Churchill醫(yī)療法律袖珍手冊 Churchill's Medicolegal Pocketbook

出版時間:2003-4  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Machin, Vanessa; Machin, V.; Lewington, F.  頁數(shù):252  


  This is a further volume in the successful Churchill POCKETBOOK series. It aims to give highly practical advice to the clinician on those occasions where there is a potential medicolegal issue. As with all volumes in the series the information is presented in a highly accessible style and it will be invaluable in Accident and Emergency Departments and General Practitioner surgeries. By using the correct procedures future potential legal risk can be minimized.  Pocketbook series style makes information highly accessible.  Deals with the law of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.  Practical advice will help minimise legal risk.  Covers risk management, which is central to Government health policies.


1 British legal systems introduction  Categories of law  Sources of law  Juries  The legal system of England and Wales  The legal system of Scotland  The legal system of Northern Ireland2. Legal procedure and appearing in court Introduction The legal profession Proceedings at an inquest or fatal accident inquiry Civil litigation Criminal proceedings Appearing in court3. Preparing a police statement The purpose of a statement Writing a statement Content Description of injuries4. Forensic samples Introduction Uses of samples Problems with taking samples Continuity of evidence Types of samples Intimate searches5. Consent Introduction Definitions of consent Obtaining consent Disclosure of risk Limits of consent Consent and the unconscious patient Consent and the mentally impaired Consent and minors Consent in special cases Assessment of capacity Refusal to consent Situations where consent is not required6. Confidentiality and disclosure Introduction Principles Exceptions Sta tu tory d u ties Remedies for breach of confidentiality Specialized doctors Conclusions7. Clinical governance and risk management What is clinical governance? What is risk management? Principles of risk mauagement Why do we need risk management? CNST8. Handling complaints9. Clinical negligece10. Disciplinary bodies and procedures11. Death and the healthcare professional12. Brain stem death and organ donation13. Euthanasia,withdrawal of treatment and Advance Directives14. Child abuse and the Children Acts15. The Mental Health Acts16. The law relating to alcohol and driving17. The law relating to drugsGlossaryAppendixIndex



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