
出版時間:2002-12  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Robert W. Shaw 著  頁數(shù):1032  


This comprehensive, up-to-date, and readable text covers all aspects of gynecology, including reproductive endocrinology, gynecological oncology, and urogynecology, with an emphasis on clinical management throughout. Its five principal sections examine basic principles and investigations, reproductive medicine, benign and malignant tumours, urogynecological disorders, and women's reproductive health.    Extensive coverage of the entire specialty  Fully illustrated and referenced  Contributions from gynecologists worldwide  Features excellent coverage of STDs, PID, and urinary tract infection  Presents new material on molecular biology adolescent gynecology evidence-based care and risk management strategies.  Addresses the importance of outpatient surgery.  Examines general surgical procedures performed by gynecologists.  Offers stronger surgical coverage enhanced by new illustrations.


ContributorsPrefaceSection 1 BASIC PRINCIPLES AND INVESTIGATIONS  1 Embryology of the female genital tract: its genetic defects and congenital anomalies  2 Surgical anatomy  3 Hvsteroscopy  4 Laparoscopy  5 Diathermy and lasers  6 Imaging techniques in gynaecology  7 Onestop gynaecology: the role of ultrasound in the acute gynaecological patient  8 Preoperative care  9 Principles of surgery and management of intraoperative complications  10 Postoperative care  11 Hormones: their action and measurement in gynaecological practice  12 Biosynthesis of steroid hormones  13 Principles of molecular biology and the application of the Human Genome ProjectSection 2 REPRODU CT1VE MED1C1NE  14 Sexual differentiation  normal and abnormal Keith Edmonds  15 Control of hypothalamicpituitary ovarian function  16 Disorders of puberty  17 Amenorrhoea and oligomenorrhea, and hypothalamic  pituitary dysfunction  18 Ovulation induction  19 Polycystic ovary syndrome  20 Fertilization  21 Investigation of the infertile couple  22 Disorders of male reproduction  23 Assisted reproduction treatments  24 Sporadic and recurrent miscarriage  25 Tubal disease  26 Ectopic pregnancy  27 Hirsutism and virilization  28 Premenstrual syndrome  29 The menopause……Section 3 BENGN AND MALIGNANT TUMOURSSection 4 UROGYNAECOLOGYSection 5 WOMEN'S REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHIndex



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