
出版時(shí)間:2004-12  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Hoffman, Ronald/ Benz, Edward J./ Shattil, Sanford J./ Furie, Bruce/ Cohen, Harvey J./ Silberstein, Leslie E./ McGlave, Philip/ Hoffman, Ronald (EDT)  頁數(shù):2821  


The fourth edition of this leading text reflects the new direction and growth of the field of hematology as an academic and clinical discipline. Edited and written by practitioners who are the leaders of the field, the book covers both the basic scientific foundations of hematology and its clinical aspects. It provides practitioners with the most comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date information in hematology. The table of contents has been thoroughly revised with many new chapters added, reflecting the rapidly changing nature of the molecular and cellular areas of the specialty. This definitive resource is the one comprehensive book needed by every practicing hematologist.


PART I MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BASIS OF HEMATOLOGY   Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiotogy of the Gene    Chapter 2 Genomic Approaches to the Study of Hematologic Science   Chapter 3 Protein Synthesis, Processing, and Degradation   Chapter 4 Protein Architecture: Retationship of Form and Function   Chapter 5 Regulation of Cettutar Response   Chapter 6 Cell Adhesion   Chapter 7 Controt of Cett Division   Chapter 8 Cell Death   Chapter 9 Pharmacogenomics and Hematotogic Diseases  PART II IMMUNOLOGIC BASIS OF MEMATOLOGY  Chapter 10 Overview and Compartmentalization of the Immune System    Chapter 11 B-CeLL DeveLOpment  Chapter 12 T-Cell and NK-Cell Immunity    Chapter 13 Dendritic Ceil Biotogy  Chapter 14 Regu[ation of Activation of B and T Lymphocytes   Chapter 15 Leukocyte Trafficking   Chapter 16 Toterance and Autoimmunity PART III BIOLOGY OF STEM CELLS AND DISORDERS HEMATOPOIESIS   Chapter 17 Stem Celt Modet of Hematopoiesis   Chapter 18 Bone Marrow Microenvironment  Chapter 19 The Humora[ Regu[ation of Hematopoiesis    Chapter 20 Biology of Erythropoiesis, Erythroid Differentiation, and  Chapter 21 Granutocytopiesis and Monocytopoiesis  ……



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