
出版時間:2006-7  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Bond, Michael R./ Simpson, Karen H./ Melzack, Ronald  頁數(shù):310  


  This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It provides a concise and easily understandable account of the nature of pain and its treatment. Unlike most books currently on the market, it is written at a level suitable for medical students and other non-specialists.


Foreword by Ronald MelzackPrefaceList of abbreviationsPART 1: Chapter 1  THE NATURE OF PAIN  The nature of pain  Pain as a mental event  Definition of pain  Pain theories  Self-assessment questions Chapter 2 Pain in society  The social burden of pain  The epidemiology of pain  Specific epidemiological studies  The economics of pain  Self-assessment questions Chapter 3 The measurement of pain  Pain assessment in man  The dimensions of pain  Pain thresholds  Self-report and observational measures  Sex, gender and pain  Race, ethnicity and pain  Pain in neonates and children  Pain in the elderly  Self-assessment questions Chapter 4 Basic mechanisms of pain  Anatomy, physiology and neuropharmacology of pain  Acute, chronic, nociceptive and neuropathic pain  Psychological aspects of pain  The placebo response  Multimodal therapies  Self-assessment questions Chapter 5 The biopsychosocial nature of pain  Psychological aspects of pain experience  The biopsychosocial model  Basic psychological concepts  The psychological basis of disability  Self-assessment questionsPART 2:CLINICAL ASPECTS OF PAiN Chapter 6 Acute and chronic pain  The characteristics of acute and chronic pain  Acute pain  Chronic pain  Self-assessment questions Chapter 7  Pain syndromes in the head, face and neck  Pain in the head and face  Headache  Facial pain  Suboccipital and cervical disorders giving rise to pain  Self-assessment questions Chapter 8  Spinal and radicular pain  Radicular pain  Radiculopathy  Spinal and radicular syndromes of the cervical region  Spinal and radicular pains of the thoracic region  Spinal and radicular pain in the lumbosacral and coccygeal regions  Self-assessment questions Chapter 9 Local pain syndromes of the limbs  Painful shoulder  Lateral and medial epicondylitis (tennis and golfer's elbow)  Osteoarthritis  Rheumatoid arthritis  Pain due to vascular diseases of the limbs  Pain of neural origin  Self-assessment questions Chapter 10 Thoracic,abdominal and the pelvic pain syndrome Chapter 11 Generalized pain syndromes Chapter 12  Pain and mental disordersPAPT 3:PAIN MANGEMENT Chapter 13  The examination of patients with pain Chapter 14  Pain management services Chapter 15  Management of pain Chapter 16  Management of chronic non-cancer pain Chapter 17  Management of cancer pain Chapter 18  Psychological techniques in pain managementPAPT 4:SELE-ASSESSMENT ANSWERSIndex



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