
出版時間:2003-4  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Beck, Eric R./ Souhami, Robert L./ Hanna, Michael G./ Holdright, Diana R.  頁數:250  


This is an original and successful text which provides a series of tutorials in the problem-based approach to clinical medicine, as against the more common disease-based emphasis of most textbooks. It covers a full range of signs and symptoms as they are encountered in clinical practice and discusses them with the emphasis on those which are crucial in the differential diagnosis of the patient. Each chapter ends with an illustrated case history. Diagnostic algorithms help to summarise many of the cases and give an overview of the diagnostic pathway that has been set out in the text.


1. Palpitations2. Heart failure3. Peripheral oedema4. Central chest pain5. Shock6. Breathlessness and cyanosis7. Haemoptysis8. Pleural effusion9. Dysphagia10. Haematemesis and melaena11. Acute abdominal pain12. Change in bowel habit13. Steatorrhoea and malabsorption  syndrome14. Jaundice15. Swelling of the abdomen16. Loss of weight17. Tiredness and fatigue18. Anaemia19. Bruising and bleeding20. Fever of unknown origin21. Polyarthritis22. Pruritis23. Confusion and dementia24. Blackouts, fits and faints25. Coma26. Stroke27. Visual failure28. Dizziness29. Headache and facial pain30. Weakness in the arms and legs31. Movement disorders32. Haematuria33. Polyuriandex



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