Sonrie Y Muerete... Otra Vez! (Serie de los Escalofrios) (平裝)

出版時間:2004年11月  出版社:Trade edition (2004年11月1日)  作者:R.L. Stine  


Sourball.  That's what Greg calls his English teacher, Mr. Saur.  He's a real grouch.  And he just gave Greg a big fat "F" on his oral report.  He didn't believe Greg's story.  About the camera Greg found last summer.  About the pictures it took.  About the evil things that happened.  Poor Greg.  He just wanted to prove old Sourball wrong.  But now that he's dug up the camera, bad things are happening.  Really bad things.  Just like the first time....Spanish Title: Sonrie y muerete otra vez!



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