Escalofrios: Los monstruos oviparos de Marte: Egg Monsters From Mars (escalofrios: Los Monstruos Oviparos De Marte) (簡裝)

出版時間:2004年08月  出版社:Tra edition (2004年8月1日)  作者:R.L. Stine  


An egg hunt. That's what Dana Johnson's bratty little sister, Brandy, wants to have at her birthday party. And whatever Brandy wants, Brandy gets.Dana's not big on egg hunts. But that was before he found The Egg. It's not like a normal egg. It's about the size of a softball. It's covered with ugly blue and purple veins. And it's starting to hatch...Escalofrios: Los monstruos oviparos de Marte



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