Clifford's Puppy Days (norville Beanbag) (日常用品)

出版時間:2004年07月  出版社:Sidekicks (2004年7月1日)  作者:Scholastic Inc.  


Clifford board books have over 1.7 million copies in print.  Our Clifford The Big Red Dog publishing program has over 110 million books in print.<br>He began as a very small puppy; but he grew to be a very, very Big Red Dog.   And, coming in Fall ’03, Clifford's Puppy Days will air on PBS KIDS!  This teeny tiny bright red bundle of energy has a lot of exploring to do, and a big city to do it in.  Clifford has lots of adventures, with both his human and animal friends including Jorge, Norville, and Daffodil.  He learns a little more about life each day and that means a lot of fun for everyone!<br>



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