Judy Moody Predicts the Future (平裝)

出版時間:2003年01月  出版社:Scholastic  作者:Megan Mcdonald  


"It's hard to imagine a mood Judy couldn't improve."
Judy definitely has a mood for every occasion. And now she has a mood ring to prove it! The mood ring's Extra Special Powers have put Judy in a predicting mood, and her outrageous predictions have everyone wondering if Judy really is psychic. According to "Madame M"(for Moody), the Toad Pee Club's long-lost mascot will reappear, Judy will earn the coveted Thomas Jefferson tricorn-hat sticker for Great Job, Good Thinking - and love may be the real reason behind her teacher's new eyelasses. Will Judy's latest adventures put you in a very Judy Moody mood?

length: (cm)19.3                 width:(cm)13.4




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