Jigsaw Jones Boxed Set, Books 1-5 (平裝)

出版時間:2003年09月  出版社:Scholastic Paperbacks  作者:James Preller  


Missing hamsters, lost coins, haunted houses...Jigsaw Jones has seen it all before. With his top-secret detective journal, eye for detail, and ace partner Mila, Jigsaw is always ready to take on a new case.Now, get the first five mysteries in one value-packed boxed set. Titles include:#1 THE CASE OF HERMIE THE MISSING HAMSTER#2 THE CASE OFTHE CHRISTMAS SNOWMAN#3 THE CASE OF THE SECRET VALENTINE#4 THE CASE OF THE SPOOKY SLEEPOVER#5 THE CASE OF THE STOLEN BASEBALL CARD



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