Harry Potter Hogwarts School: A Magical 3-D Carousel (精裝)

出版時間:2001年9月1日  出版社:Scholastic  作者:Willabel L. Tong  


Magic abounds in this tall, deluxe pop-up carousel that brings Hogwarts School to life! Open the book and then tie the covers together with the purple ribbons for an impressive permanent carousel in your child's room... or fold it back up for easy reshelving. Children will adore identifying rooms and objects they remember from the beloved Harry Potter series, with plenty of flaps to lift and tabs to slide to unveil the ghosts and things that go bump in the night. You can even see where Harry Potter sleeps, and lift the lid of the trunk at the end of his bed! The carousel also features a sheet of punch-out cardboard characters from Severus Snape to Hagrid, so imaginative youngsters can move them around the school. Collectors and Harry Potter fans, rejoice! (Ages 4 and older) 

length: (cm)36.4                width:(cm)23.9




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