出版時(shí)間:2001-10 出版社:Routledge 作者:C.G. Jung
Author, psychiatrist and scholar, painter, world traveller, and above all visionary dreamer, Carl Jung was one of the great figures of the 20th century. This text is a comprehensive compilation of his work on dreams. Weaving a narrative that encompasses all of his major themes - mysticism, religion, culture and symbolism - Jung brings a wealth of allusion to the collection. He identifies such issues as the filmic quality of some dreams, and the differences between "personal dreams" - dreams that exist on the individual level - and "big dreams" - dreams that we all experience, that come from the collective unconscious. This text provides an introduction to Jung's concepts for those unfamiliar with his work.
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). Founded the analytical school of psychology and is responsible for bringing psychology into the twentieth century by developing a new theory of the unconscious.
FOREWORD by Kathleen RaineEDITORIAL NOTENOTE OF ACKNOWLEDG M ENTLIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSPART I Dreams and Psychoanalysis 1 The Analysis of- Dreams Translated From "L'Analyse des raves," Annde psychologiclUe (Paris), XV (19o9). On the Significance of'Number Dreams Translated from "Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Zahlentraumes," Zentralblatt.fur Psychoanalyse (Wiesbaden), I (191o/11).PART II Dreams and Psychic Energy 1 General Aspects of-Dream Psychology Translated from "AIIgemeine Gesichtspunkte zur Psychologie des Tr~iumes," in Ober psychische Energetik und das Wesen der Tr#ume (Zurich: Rascher,1948). On the Nature of Dreams Translated from "Vom Wesen der Traiume," inUber psychische Energetik und das Wesen der Tra~me (Zurich: Rascher, 1948).PART Ill The Practical Use of'Dream-Analysis 1 The Practical Use of Dream-Analysis Translated from "Die praktische Verwendbarkeitder Traumanalyse," in Wirklichkeit der Seele (Zurich: Rascher, 1934).PART IV Individual Dream Symbolism in Relation to Alchemy Translated from Psychologic und Alchemic (Zurich, 1944; 2nd edn., revised, 1952). 1 Introduction I.The Material II. The Method 2 The Initial Dreams The Symbolism of the Mandala I.Concerning the Mandala II.The Mandalas in the Dreams IlL The Vision of the Wodd Clock IV. The Symbols of the SelfBIBLIOGRAPHYINDEX
'Not the least of Jung's services to his time was his demonstration of how the dreaming process in man, far from being archaic and redundant, was more relevant than ever.' - Laurens van der Post
Review 'Not the least of Jung's services to his time was his demonstration of how the dreaming process in man, far from being archaic and redundant, was more relevant than ever.' - Laurens van der Post