胸部x線指南Chest Radiology Companion

出版時間:1999-3  出版社:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins  作者:Eric J Stern  頁數(shù):437  


  Designed for easy reference, this thoroughly illustrated, portable handbook is a practical guide to performing and interpreting imaging studies of the adult chest。   The first section reviews the fundamentals of plain film radiography and high-resolution CT and presents chest CT protocols。The second section presents succinct, bulleted “key facts” about all commonly encountered pathologic entities, along with representative images and explanatory captions。   The authors focus primarily on differential diagnoses and offer a combination of approaches to image interpretation--they use a basic pattern approach, an anatomic site of disease approach, or a disease process approach depending on what's best suited to a particular case。 A list of suggested readings is provided for each topic。


Part 1Chest Imaging Fundamentals Section 1 Methods  1.Chest Radiographic Fundamentals  2.Chest CT Protocols  3.Dictations  4.Tube and Line PositionsPart 2 Imaging Section 2 The Lung  5.Lung Opacification--Diffuse  6.Lung Opacification--Focal  7.Solitary Pulmonary Nodule  8.Lung Masses(>3 cm)  9.Multiple Pulmonary Nodules  10.Miliary Pattern  11.Interstitial Lung Diseases  12.Lung Cavities  13.Hyperlucent Lun9一一Bilateral and Unilateral Section 3 The Mediastinum  14.Anterior Mediastinal Masses  15.Middle and Posterior Mediastinal Masses  16.Airway Diseases  17.Esophageal Diseases  18.Great VeSSCl Abnormalities  19.Heart and Pericardial Diseases  20.The Hila Section 4 The Chest Wall,Pleura,and Diaphragm  21.Chest Wall Abnormalities  22.Pleural Diseases  23.Diaphragm Abnormalities Section 5 Common Medical Problems  24.Common Medical Problems Subject Index



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