Forensic Ethics and the Expert Witness倫理學(xué)與審判室專(zhuān)家

出版時(shí)間:2007-1  出版社:Springer Verlag  作者:Candilis, Philip J., M.D./ Weinstock, Robert/ Martinez, Richard/ Szanton, Andrew (EDT)  頁(yè)數(shù):211  


The expert witness’ job is often described as a balancing act: duty to clients on the one hand, duty to society on the other. Forensic Ethics and the Expert Witness probes beyond this familiar conflict of interest framework to present a new, innovative model of professional ethics.    Richly illustrated with cases from medicine, psychiatry, and law, this elegantly written volume examines the common moral ground that links these usually separate domains, and relates forensic ethics to larger concepts of morality and justice. In this integrative approach, the expert witness is redefined as one who can balance professional with societal and personal codes in what the authors call "robust professionalism."  Three renowned ethicists:  Analyze ethical dilemmas expert witnesses commonly encounter in the courtroom   Explore the thought and practice of ethical expert witnesses   Address important questions concerning confidentiality, objectivity in testimony, and the relationship between witness and attorney   Integrate trends in moral reasoning from other fields, from classical philosophy to social contract theory to bioethics   Review standards of conduct from relevant professional organizations   Apply this discussion to the most debated areas, including competence, the insanity defense, right-to-die, and death penalty cases   Forensic psychologists, psychiatrists, scientific experts who testify, as well as legal professionals will find Forensic Ethics and the Expert Witness stimulating reading that advances their fields. This book can also serve as a core text for forensic fellowships or to add depth to psychology and ethics training.


Foreword by Paul S.Appelbaum,MDAcknowledgmentsSECTION I  Introduction and Overview  Chapter 1 The Problem of the Expert’S Ethics in Court  Chapter 2 Cases and Examples Using the Approaches So FarSECTION II Approaches That Guide Ethical Behavior  Chapter 3 Ethical Theories:Principled Models,Narrative Theory,    and Professional Integrity  Chapter 4 Theories and Perspectives from Other Quarters  Chapter 5 Robust Professionalism:Beyond RolesSECTION III Applying Theory to Practice  Chapter 6 Ethical Reasoning for the Courtroom ExpertAppendix of Ethics CodesIndex



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