170所最好的法學(xué)院2007版/The Best 170 Law Schools, 2007

出版時間:2002-1  出版社:Random House Inc  作者:,Princeton Review,, 編  頁數(shù):465  


Get everything you need to know to make the right decision! This insider’s perspective on the nation’s top law schools provides rankings based on student surveys, just like those made popular by The Princeton Review’s Best 361 Colleges guide.  Best 170 Law Schools also includes student quotes about classes, professors, the social scene and more, as well as a complete index of schools throughout the country with basic information on their programs. Plus, it covers the ins and outs of admissions and financial aid, and the schools get an opportunity to talk back by including their own profiles. Best 170 Law Schools has all the information you need to find the perfect match in a law school.


PrefaceAll About Law School  Chapter 1 So You Want to Go to Law School  Chapter 2 Choosing a Law School  Chapter 3 Applying to Law School  Chapter 4 The LSAT  Chapter 5 Writing a Great Personal Statement  Chapter 6 Recommendations  Chapter 7 Real Life Work Experience and Community Service  Chapter 8 Interviews  Chapter 9 Money Matters  Chapter 10 Law School 101  Chapter 11 How to Excel at Any Law School  Chapter 12 Career Matters  Chapter 13 How to Use This BookLaw Schools Ranked by CategoryLaw School Descriptive ProfilesLaw School Data Listings  ABA-Approved Schools  CBA-Approved Schools  Canadian Law SchoolsSchool SaysIndex  Alphabetical List of SchoolsAbout the Authors




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