Past Reason Hated 過去的恩怨不再提

出版時間:2002-12  作者:Robinson, Peter  


It should have been a cosy scene - log fire, sheepskin rug, Vivaldi on the stereo, Christmas lights and tree. But appearances can be deceptive. For Caroline Hartley, lying quietly on the couch, has been brutally murdered. Inspector Alan Banks is called to the grim scene. And he soon has more suspects than he ever imagined. As he delves into her past, he realises that for Caroline, secrecy was a way of life, and her death is no different. His ensuing investigation is full of hidden passions and desperate violence ..."The characterizations are unfailingly sharp and subtle." - "New York Times". "A definite contender for fiction's new top cop." -  "Independent on Sunday". "Watch for those twists - they'll get you every time." - Ian Rankin.




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