Cold is the Grave 墓地陰冷

出版時間:2002-1  出版社:Robinson, Peter Pan Macmillan (2002-01出版)  作者:Robinson, Peter  


'A writer at the very height of his powers' - Ian Rankin. Detective Chief Inspector Alan Banks has reached a turning point. With his wife now living with another man in London and his career in the doldrums thanks to Chief Constable Riddle, it is time to ring the changes. Perhaps a move to the National Crime Squad? Perhaps a second chance with Sandra? But then late one night, he is summoned to Riddle's house - and his plans take a surprising new turn. For the Chief Constable's sixteen-year-old daughter Emily has run away and for once Riddle wants Banks to use his unorthodox methods to find her without fuss.


Peter Robinson grew up in Yorkshire but now spends most of his time in Canada. He is the winner of numerous awards in the United States, Britain and Canada.


'A writer at the very height of his powers' Ian Rankin



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