
出版時間:2006-10  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Chapleau, Will/ Pons, Peter T., M.D.  頁數(shù):852  


Immerse yourself in an unrivalled EMT learning experience with Emergency Medical Technician: Making the Difference. MosbyJems' unbeatable combination of a text, DVD, and online resources teach you not only the skills you need to know, but the when and why to perform them. You'll discover step-by-step skills with detailed instructions and clear photos in the text, reinforced by case scenarios in every chapter. The DVD takes you even further, showing real EMTs performing the skills, up close! You'll use the workbook for review and test prep, and go online to access Evolve resources for deeper study. Put it all together, and you will learn! And when you learn, you succeed!


DIVISION ONE PREPARATORY 1 Introduction to Emergency  Medical Services (EMS)  Systems 2 Well-Being of the Emergency  Medical Technician (EMT) 3 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Emergency Medical Services  (EMS) 4 The Human Body 5 Baseline Vital Signs and SAMPLE History 6 Lifting and Moving PatientsDIVISION TWO AIRWAY 7 Airway ManagementDIVISION THREE PATI ENT ASSESSM ENT 8 Scene Size-up 9 Initial Patient Assessment 10 Focused History and Physical Examination of Trauma  Patients 11 Focused History and Physical Examination of Medical Patients 12 The Detailed Physical Examination 13 Ongoing Assessment 14 Communications 15 DocumentationDIVISION FOUR MEDICAL AND BEHAVIORAL EMERGENCIES 16 Pharmacology 17 Respiratory Emergencies 18 Cardiovascular  Emergencies 19 Gastrointestinal/Genitourinary Emergencies 20 Altered Mental Status 21 Allergies 22 Poisoning and Overdose 23 Environmental  Emergencies ……



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