出版時(shí)間:2006-12 出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div 作者:Roppolo, Lynn P., M.D./ Davis, Daniel/ Kelly, Sean P., M.D./ Rosen, Peter 頁(yè)數(shù):1420
Emergency Medicine Handbook: Critical Concepts for Clinical Practice provides essential information and practical advice for use in the emergency department. The book covers the general approach to patients with various medical complaints, tables of differential diagnoses, and brief discussions of the most common disease processesall in an easy-to-read, bulleted format. Essential information for use in the busy ED. Templated chapters written in bulleted format makes finding information fast and easy! Includes algorithms and text boxes that help you comprehend information faster.
PrefaceContributorsSECTIONI:EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT ORIENTATTON(FOR STUDENTS,INTERNS,AND ROTATING RESIDENTS)CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Emergency Department Scott B.Murray,Heather S.Hammerstedt,Sean P.KellyCHAPTER 2 General Approach to the Emergency Department Patient Heather S.Hammerstedt,Scott B.Murray,Sean P.KellyCHAPTER 3 Communicating Information Scott B.Murray,Heather S.Hammerstedt,Sean P.KellySECTION:LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCIESCHAPTER 4 General Approach to Life-Threatening Emergencies Colleen Buono,Daniel Davis,Rebeka BarthCHAPTER 5 Airway Management Mamata Kene,Daniel DavisCHAPTER 6 Advanced Cardiac Life Support Eugene Gicheru,Ahamed H.IdrisCHAPTER 7 Shock Richard E.Wolfe,Christopher M.FischerSECTION III:TRAUMACHAPTE R 8 General Approach to Trauma Christian M.Sloane,Aaron PesslCHAPTER 9 Head Injury Martin de Kort,Andrew Garff,Jennifer J.CasalettoCHAPTER 1 0 Maxillofacial Injury Amanda S.Lake,Jennifer J.Casalettoxxviii ContentsCHAPTER 11 NeekTrauma Kanshal H.Shah,Chilembwe MasonCHAPTER 12 Spine Trauma Jennifer Serrano Johnson,Colleen J.CampbellCHAPTER 13 Chest Trauma Saul D.Levine,Aaron Schneir,Ali GhobadiCHAPTER 14 AbdominalTrauma James A.Nelson,Michael Barr,Peter WituckiCHAPTER 15 Genitourinary Trauma Rai J.Patel,Juan Reynoso,Gary M.V~lkeCHAPTER 16 Pelvic Trauma Christopher S.Courtney,Eric A.GrossCUAPTER 17 Extremity Trauma Colleen N.Roche,Daniel DavisSECTION IV PROBLEM-SOLVING COMMON MEDICAL COMPLAINTSCHAPTER 18 Abdominal Pain Lynn P.Roppolo,Jeremy Spinks,Craig Reece Brockman IICHAPTER 19 Allergic Reactions Jeffrey A.EvansCHAPTER 20 Altered Mental Status Dionne Smith,Joseph N.MartinezCHAPTER 21 BackPain Alec Tuan Huynh,Reheka Barth.Ian R.GroverCHAPTER 22 Chest Pain Gregory Kutsen,Kurt C.Kleinschmidt,Heather S.OwenCHAPTER 23 Constipation Leigh P.Anderson,Martin de Kort,John SarkoCHAPTER 24 Cough Carnie J.Sorensen,Michael J.Nelson,Sean P.KellyCHAPTER 25 Cyanosis Hollynn Larrabee,Andra L.BlomkalnsCHAPTER 26 Dehydration Christian Arbelaez,Carnie J.Sorensen,Eduardo BorquezCHAPTER 27 DiarrheaCHAPTER 28 DysphagiaCHAPTER 29 EdemaCHAPTER 30 Facial WeaknessCHAPTER 31 FeverCHAPTER 32 Flank PainCHAPTER 33 Foreign BodiesCHAPTER 34 Gastrointestinal BleedCHAPTER 35 HeadacheCHAPTER 36 HerniaCHAPTER 37 HIVCHAPTER 38 Hyperlycemia and HypoglycemiaCHAPTER 39 HypertensionCHAPTER 40 Intentional Trauma and AbuseCHAPTER 41 JaundiceCHAPTER 42 Joint Pain and SwellingCHAPTER 43 Lightheaded and Dizzy……
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