
出版時間:2005-1  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:McKee, Phillip H./ Calonje, Eduardo, M.D./ Granter, Scott R., M.D.  頁數(shù):992  


This is an excellent text of dermatopathology. The illustrations alone are immensely valuable and are about the best available. I have found this book useful, but usually have used it in conjunction with Weedon's Skin Pathology, 2nd edition (Elsevier, 2002). This new edition is completely justified as it has added new entities, new sections, and has reorganized the existing sections. CDs are also included with each volume.    This book is written for the practitioners of dermatopathology, general pathology, and dermatology. Fellows and residents in these fields would also find the book helpful. The purpose was to completely rewrite the second edition to include new entities and chapters discussing hair follicle, nail, external genital, and oral mucosa pathology. An additional section covers adverse drug reactions. These are worthy objectives as the added sections have become more important and must be evaluated by dermatopathologists. The book meets the author's objectives.


List of ContributorsPrefaceAcknowledgementsDedicationsVolume 1 1 The structure and function of skin 2 Disorders of keratinization 3 Inherited and autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases 4  Acantholytic disorders  5 Spongiotic, psoriasiform and pustular dermatoses  6 Lichenoid and interface dermatoses  7 Superficial and deep perivascular inflammatory dermatoses  8 Granulomatous, necrobiotic and perforating dermatoses  9 Inflammatory diseases of the subcutaneous fat  10 Diseases of the oral mucosa  11 Diseases of the genital skin  12 Degenerative and metabolic diseases  13 Cutaneous adverse reactions to drugs  14 Neutrophilic and eosinophilic dermatoses  15 Vascular diseases  16 Idiopathic connective tissue disorders  17 Infectious diseases of the skin  18 Disorders of pigmentation  19 Diseases of collagen and elastic tissue  20 Diseases of the hair  21 Diseases of the nails  22 Tumors of the surface epithelium  23 Melanocytic nevi  24 Melanoma  25 Cutaneous lymphoproliferative diseases and related disorders  26 Cutaneous metastases and Paget's disease of the skin  27 Tumors of the hair follicle  28 Tumors and related lesions of the sebaceous glands  29 umors of the sweat glands  30 Cutaneous cysts  31 Connective tissue tumorsGlossaryIndex



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