
出版時間:2006-2  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Papp, Jeffrey  頁數(shù):328  


  Completely updated, this text provides a basic description of quality management and explains why it is so important to imaging technology. Step-by-step procedures with full-size evaluation forms explain how to understand and implement proper evaluation and documentation of quality assurance and quality control. Useful features include appendices with a review of radiographic quality factors and a glossary with definitions of all the bold-faced terms from the text. A companion CD includes mock Registry exams, sample documentation forms, lab experiments, and critical thinking questions.  Cross-platform CD includes more than 300 practice exam questions for the ARRT advanced certification examination in quality management, 25 full-sized sample documentation forms, 27 student experiments, and questions for analysis and critical thinking in each chapter.  Student experiments on CD allow instructors to modify experiments to their own needs, and let students complete answers on the computer and print out.  Special icon indicates current federal standards, highlighting the most up-to-date quality management information available.  All imaging sciences are covered, devoting quality management chapters on to fluoroscopy, CT, MRI, sonography, and mammography.   Step-by-step quality management procedures with full-sized sample evaluation forms offer detailed instructions on how to evaluate equipment and document results for CT, MRI, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine.  Student-friendly features include learning objectives, chapter outlines, key terms (with definitions in glossary), student experiments on CD-ROM, and review questions at the end of each chapter (answers are located at the end of the text).  Updated coverage of computed and direct radiography, direct radiography artifacts, and HIPAA, providing the most current information available all in one place.  Coverage of practical applications of quality management tools and procedures.  Updated information on darkroom disease and on image processing, now that film is used less often.  Coverage of sensitometric testing and daylight systems.   Updated chapters on equipment quality control to reflect most current FDA, ACR, and AAPM procedure.  Updated mock exams to reflect the latest ARRT exam content specifications.


chapter 1 Introduction to Quality Management, 1chapter 2 Quality Management Tools and Procedures, 16Chapter 3 Film Darkrooms, 32chapter 4 Film Processing, 44Chapter 5 Processor Quality Control, 60Chapter 6 Silver Recovery, 75Chapter 7 Quality Control of Radiographic Equipment, 84Chapter 8 Radiographic Ancillary Equipment, 106chapter 9 Quality Control of Fluoroscopic Equipment, 126chapter 10 Advanced Imaging Equipment, 145Chapter 11 Outcomes Assessment of Radiographic Images, 176 Chapter 12 Mammographic Quality Standards, 195Chapter 13 Quality Control in Computed Tomography, 230chapter 14 Quality Control for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Equipment, 242chapter 15 Ultrasound Equipment Quality Assurance, 253chapter 16  Quality Assurance in Nuclear Medicine,Appedix A  Review of Radiographic Quality,Appedix B  Agencies,Organizations,and Committees in Quality Assurance,Bibliography,Glossary,Answer to Review Questions,Index



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