Dermatologic Surgery Pearls皮膚病學外科病例精選

出版時間:2006-11  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Salasche, Stuart J./ Orengo, Ida F./ Siegle, Ronald J., M.d.  頁數(shù):189  


This new reference covers the top 80 pearls in cutaneous oncologic, nail and cosmetic dermatologic surgery, giving you at-a-glance access to some of the best know-how in the field. Organized in a consistent format, and illustrated with full color photographs and explanatory line drawings, this is the perfect tool to help you improve the level of care you offer your patients. Whether you’re new to the field or you’ve been practicing dermatologic surgery for years, you’ll consider this book one of your most valuable resources


Acknowledgments ⅦDedication ⅧSection l:Assisting at surgery Tip l:SurgicaI assistant:cOunte-tractiOn and aclear visuaI field  Tip 2:Placing the simple interrupted stitch  Tip 3:Surgical assistant:help with surface sutures  Tip 4:Surgical assistant:twisted knot and cutting suture at correct length  Tip 5:Surgical assistant:help with the buried subcuticuIar stitch Section 2:Suture techniques Tip 6:How to break the memory of suture materi without breaking the suture  Tip 7:Hemostasis:suture ligature  Tip 8:Proper placement of the three-cornered stitch  Tip 9:Delayed closure of buried sutures when closing smalI excisions  TiD l0:Percutaneous buried vertical mattress suture  TiD l1:The running Iocked suture as an aid for hemostasis  Ti0 12:MaximaI skin edge eversion with the running hybrid mattress suture  Tip l3:The short-tring tie off Section 3:CIosures‘and procedures Tip 14:Circular incisions as a guide for optimal esthetic removal  Tip 15:The crescentic ellipse for curving relaxed skin tension lines  Tip 16:SeriaI excision  Tip 17:S—plasty for excision on convex/concavesurfaces   Ti0 18:Pruning the proud flesh   Tip 19:Hydrodissection(hydroplaning)with  anesthetic fluid   Tip 20:Second—intention healing over bare carti Iage   Tip 21:A user-friendly surgical dressin9 46  Tip 22:Minimizing the d09—ear   Tip 23:In pursuit of the perfect punch biopsy   Tip 24:The split punch biopsy:the power of tw0   Tip 25:Saucerization biopsy   Tip 26:‘0ff—set bias suturin9’to favorably alter the tension vector ofclosure   Tip 27:Have I cut lhe temporaI nerve or iust aneslhetized it?  Tip 28:EIectrOdesiccatiOn and curettage forwarts   Tip 29:Cysts and lipomas,Oh My l   Tip 30:Drainage of inflamed/liquefied cyst   Tip 31:Transection of a pigmented Iesion   Tip 32:The retraction suture for cyst removal Section 4:Flaps  Tip 33:Flap components   Tip 34:Tension vector of closure:definitions   Tip 35:Tension vector of closure:rotation and advancement flaps   Tip 36:Determining the finaI scar Iines and tens vector of the rhombic flap   Tip 37:The suspension suture:partial closure of defect near free margin 80  Tip 38:Contour maintenance with suspension sutures  Tip 39:RecOnstructiOn of the alaFfacial—lip sulcus   Tip 40:Mercedes flap:multiple—flap closure of la defects Section 5:Grafts     Tip 41:Trimmina fat off of full—thickness skin grafts   Tip 42:Freehand harvesting of a small split—thickness skin graft   Tip 43:Basting suture for FTSG under directviSuaIizatiOn Section 6: SafetySection 7: InstrumentsSection 8: NailSection 9: Regional tipsIndex



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