Essentials of oral histology and embryology口腔組織學(xué)與胚胎學(xué)概要

出版時間:2005-10  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Avery, James K./ Chiego, Daniel J.  頁數(shù):241  


This outstanding book covers all areas of oral histology and embryology pertinent to clinical dental practice. Introductory material includes a complete discussion of the structure and function of the body's cells, as well as the stages of orofacial development from conception to birth. It also covers developmental problems such as cleft lip and palate, specific phases of tooth development, and biofilm substances that form on the surface of teeth. New Clinical Comments boxes and Consider the Patient scenarios help readers apply key concepts to actual practice.  Provides a timeline of head and neck structural development from conception to birth and   describes possible abnormalities in development, including cleft lip and palate.  Describes the definitive stages and normal/abnormal paths of tooth development and maturation.  Discusses specific hard and soft oral tissues including periodontal tissues, oral mucosa, TMJ, and parts of teeth (enamel, dentin, dental pulp, cementum) to illustrate how these structures develop and are related.  Each chapter begins with a helpful chapter outline and a brief overview of chapter content.  Consider the Patient boxes present a short case scenario and then discuss possible solutions at the end of the chapter to demonstrate practical applications of key concepts.  Self-evaluation questions at the end of every chapter help readers assess their understanding of the material.  Tables and boxes throughout the text make it easy to quickly summarize important information.  Clinical Comments boxes throughout the chapters present tips that help readers apply key content to everyday clinical practice.  Learning Objectives at the beginning of every chapter list important topics readers should know after completing the chapter.  An alphabetical list of Key Terms at the beginning of each chapter helps readers learn to use these words in the correct context within clinical practice.  Features a wealth of new full-color illustrations and photographs.  Evolve website includes a test bank, image collection, weblinks, and interactive student exercises.


1 Development and Structure of Cells and Tissues2 Structure and Function of Cells, Tissues, and Organs3 Development of the Oral Facial Region4 Development of the Face and Palate5 Development of Teeth6 Eruption and Shedding of the Teeth7 Enamel8 Dentin9 Dental Pulp10 Cementum11 Periodontium: Periodontal Ligament12 Periodontium: Alveolar Process and Cementum13 Temporomandibular Joint14 Oral Mucosa15 Salivary Glands and Tonsils16 BiofilmsGlossary



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