
出版時間:2006-10  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Froelicher, Victor F., M.D./ Myers, Jonathan  頁數(shù):349  


The new edition of the Manual of Exercise Testing is the perfect companion for the exercise testing laboratory. Filled with practical examples and diagnostic clues, this handy manual covers exercise testing for the main cardiovascular problems faced today. Testing and interpretation are extensively covered in this manual. There is a new section on exercise physiology to provide essential science background.


1. The Physiologic Response to the Exercise Test Introduction Basic Principles Concepts of Work Energy and Muscular Contraction Muscle Fiber Types Acute Cardiopulmonary Response to Exercise Autonomic Contro Summary2 Methods  Introduction Safety Precautions and Risks Legal Concerns Patient Preparation History and Physical Examination Blood Pressure Measurement ECG Recording Exercise Test Modalities Exercise Protocols Borg Scale Postexercise Period Add-Ons Summary3. Interpretation of Hemodynamic Responses to Exercise Testing Introduction Exercise Capacity Versus Functional Classification Maximal Cardiac Output Normal Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Values Maximal Heart Rate Heart Rate Recovery Blood Pressure Response Summary4. Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram Introduction Studies of the Electrocardiographic Response to Exercise Controversial ECG Responses to Exercise……



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