口腔美容練習Esthetic Color Training in Dentistry

出版時間:2004-6  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Rade Paravina  頁數(shù):245  


This book/CD-ROM helps users master the art of color selection to achieve the best esthetic results in dental procedures, such as those related to cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, and prosthodontics. It covers everyday dental techniques that require the dentist to precisely match dental materials to patients' teeth. The book's nine easy-to-read chapters serve as a basis for color training - from colorimetry and the properties of natural teeth, to the specifics of color perception and reproduction of color. The accompanying CD-ROM uses interactive color-block exercises to train and test users on discerning lightness, hue, and chroma changes, as well as total color differences. 作者簡介:  Rade Paravina; and John M. Powers, PhD, Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials, Director, Houston Biomaterials Research Center, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Dental Branch, Houston, TX


PART 1 COLOR AINU APPEARANCE 1 Color    The Nature of Light    The Physical Specification of Object Color      Spectral reflectance      Models of spectral reflectance    The Human Color Vision System      The retinal response      The cortical response  Color Perception      Wavelength discrimination      Color contrast      Color constancy      Color deficiency    More on Retinal Response  2 Colorimetry    Color Specification     Color order systems    Munsell color order system    The CIE system        CIE illuminants        Illumination and viewing geometries        Standard colorimetric observers        Tristimulus values    CIELAB  Color Difference Evaluation   CIELAB color difference    Advanced color difference formulae  Color Measuring Instruments   Tristimulus colorimeter   Spectroradiometer   Spectrophotometer   Digital camera  More on Tristimulus Values  CIEDE2000 Computation  Whiteness Index 3 Other Appearance Attributes  Translucency and Opacity   Modes of viewing and material thickness in specifying translucency   Thickness to obtain a specific translucency  Gloss  Surface Roughness  Opalescence  Iridescence  Fluorescence  Phosphorescence  More on Translucency: Distinctions between Spectral and Colorimetric MeasuresPART 2 NATURAL TEETH AND ESTHETIC DENTAL MATERIALSPART 3 COLOR AND APPEARANCE:MATCHING,COMMUNICATION,AND REPRODUCTIONPART 4 THE CD-ROM:COLOR TRAINING EXERCISES



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