
出版時間:2005-2  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Lawrence, Ruth A./ Lawrence, Robert M.  頁數(shù):1152  


  The completely revised and updated New Edition of this trusted text delivers complete, authoritative, evidence-based information on all of the scientific and clinical topics related to breastfeedingfrom basic data on the anatomical, physiological, biochemical, nutritional, immunological, and psychological aspects of human lactation...to guidance on a full range of problems in clinical management. Written by a pioneer in the field of human lactation, the 6th Edition has been revised from cover to cover to include information on new drugs and herbal products, infections, and much more.  Provides the basic tools of knowledge and experience to enable readers to provide thoughtful guidance to the breastfeeding mother that is most applicable to her circumstances, problems, and lifestyle.   Features a wealth of references from the most recent studies.  Integrates evidence-based data with practical experience  Offers complete coverage of anatomy and physiology * the composition of human breast milk *   guidance on lactation management * equipment, pumps, and other devices * contraindications to breastfeeding * and much more  Provides an extensive new section on gigantomastia, a relatively new entity that is now being seen more frequently.  Presents new discussions of infections and infectious diseases in both the mother and infant.  Delivers updated information on drugs and lactation including newly approved medications, over-the-counter medications, and herbal remedies.  Features 2 new chapters: Problems Associated with the Nipple, Areola, and Breast Itself and The Premature Infant and Breastfeeding.


1.  Breastfeeding in modern medicine2.  Anatomy of the human breast3.  Physiology of lactation4.  Biochemistry of human milk5.  Host-resistance factors and immunologic significance of human milk6.  Psychologic impact of breastfeeding7.  Making an informed decision about infant feeding8.  Management of the mother-infant nursing couple9.  Diet and dietary supplements for the mother and infant10.  Weaning11.  Drugs in breast milk12.  Normal growth failure to thrive and obesity in the breastfed infant13.  Maternal employment14.  Breastfeeding the premature infant15.  Breastfeeding the infant with a problem16.  Medical complications of the mother17.  Transmission of infectious diseases through breast milk and breastfeeding18.  Human milk as a prophylaxis in allergy19.  Induced lactation and relactation (including nursing the adopted baby) and cross-nursing20.  Reproductive function during lactation21.  The collection and storage of human milk and human milk banking22.  Breastfeeding support groups and community resources23.  Educating and training the medical professionalAPPENDICES Appendix A: Composition of human milk Appendix B: Dietary guidance during lactation Appendix C: Normal serum values for breastfed infants Appendix D: Drugs in breast milk and the effect on the infant Appendix E: Precautions and breastfeeding recommendations for selected maternal infections Appendix F: The Lact-Aid Nursing Trainer System Appendix G: Manual expression of breast milk Appendix H: The storage of human milk Appendix I: Vitamin and mineral supplement needs in normal children in the United States Appendix J: Measurements of growth of breastfed infants Appendix K: Organizations that support and provide materials for breastfeeding Appendix L: Legislation regarding human milk Appendix M: Breastfeeding health supervision Appendix N: Resources for education and training Appendix O: The AAP guideline for hyperbilirubinemia Appendix P: Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine protocols Appendix Q: GlossaryIndex




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