
出版時(shí)間:2004-11  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Ehrlich, Ruth Ann/ McCloskey, Ellen Doble/ Daly, Joan A.  頁(yè)數(shù):447  


This popular textbook helps imaging technology students acquire the technical and the interpersonal skills they need to provide expert patient care in the clinical environment. It also provides an excellent orientation to clinical work for the beginning student and serves as an up-to-date reference on patient care. Each chapter connects a specific topic with its applications for patient care. Skills that are essential for quality patient care in radiography, such as safety, transfer, positioning, infection control, and patient assessment, are emphasized throughout. In addition, readers will find information on microbiology, emerging diseases, transcultural communication, ECGs, administering medications, and bedside radiography. Instructor resources are available; please contact your Elsevier sales representative for details.


Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION TO RADIOGRAPHY   History   Overview of Radiographic Procedure   X-Ray Production   Characteristics of Radiation   The X-Ray Beam       Scatter radiation   Radiographic Equipment       The x-ray tube       X-ray tube housing       X-ray tube support       Collimator       Radiographic table       Grids and buckys       Upright cassette holders       Transformer       Control console    Fluoroscopic Units    Factors of Radiographic Exposure       Exposure time       Milliamperage       Kilovoltage       Distance       Technique charts    Image Receptor Systems       Cassettes and intensifying screens       Film       Film processing       Filmless radiography   Image Quality       Radiographic density       Radiographic contrast       Radiographic definition       Radiographic distortion    Radiation Units    Biological Effects of X-Ray Exposure        Short-term somatic effects        Long-term somatic effects        Genetic effects   Radiation Safety      Personnel safety      Personnel monitoring      Effective dose equivalent limits      Patient protection      Gonad shielding   Radiation and Pregnancy   ConclusionChapter 2 PROFESSIONAL ROLES AND BEHAVIORS   The Changing Health Care Delivery System       Health care insurance and benefit systems       Health care facilities   The Health Care Team       Physicians       Hospital organization and management   Services and Roles in the Imaging       Department   Radiography as a Profession       Professionalism       Professional organizations       Practice standards       Education       Credentials       Continuing education       Employment outlook       Career ladder    Accreditation    Job Satisfaction        Self-care       Empathetic care       Burnout       Care of supplies and equipment       Participation in professional activities    Professional Behavior       Morals and ethics       Standards of ethics……



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