
出版時間:2004-12  出版社:Mosby  作者:Davis MD MS, Mark A.,Gruskin MD, Karen D.,Chiang MD, Vincent W.,Manzi PharmD, Shannon  頁數(shù):656  


Patients present with symptoms, not diagnoses. That's why this book uses a symptom-based approach to help practitioners correctly identify the conditions encountered in practice. It encourages readers to consider not only the likeliest diagnosis for a given symptom, but also its other less common, but potentially life-threatening causes. A unique ratings system indicates how commonly each symptom, sign, disease pattern, or diagnostic test result is associated with a particular diagnosis, according to the medical literature. The result is a highly efficient, evidence-based source of assistance in reaching fast, confident diagnoses.  Covers everything from "Abdominal Pain" to "Weakness/Fatigue" using a quick-access alphabetical organization.  Helps readers to consider not only the likeliest diagnosis for a given symptom, but also its other less common, but potentially life-threatening causes.  LDiscusses symptoms, signs, workup, and treatment considerations for every diagnosis.  Utilizes a unique ratings system to indicate how frequently various symptoms, signs, disease patterns, or diagnostic test results are associated with a particular diagnosis, according to the medical literature...to give readers a sense of how conclusive each piece of diagnostic evidence may be.


1  Abdominal pain by Barbara M. Garcia Pena  2  Abuse/rape by Joeli Hettler  25 3  Altered mental status by David Greenes  4  Apnea by Susan B. Torrey  5  Bites by Jacqueline Bryngil Corboy  6  Bleeding and bruising by Alexandra Epee-Bounya  7  Burns by Michelle M. Carlo  8  Chest pain by Sarita A. Chung  9  Cyanosis by Anne M. Stack  10  Diarrhea by Laura A. Drubach  11  Edema by Sujit Sharma  12  Eye pain and redness by Atima C. Delaney  13  Failure to thrive by Andrew J. Capraro  14  Fever by Marvin B. Harper  15  Fractures not to miss by Andrea Stracciolini  16  Gastrointestinal bleeding by Ron Kaplan  17  Headache by Ana Maria Paez  18  Hematuria by Kevin J. Walsh  19  Hypertension by Yiannis L. Katsogridakis  20  Hypotension/shock by Katherine F. McGowan  21  Immunocompromised patients : special considerations by Ben M. Willwerth  22  Irritability by Dewesh Agrawal  23  Jaundice by Michael W. Shannon  24  Joint pain and swelling by Marisa Brett-Fleegler  ……Index



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