
出版時(shí)間:2002-6  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Elizabeth S. Gilbert 著  頁數(shù):740  


MANUAL OF HIGH RISK PREGNANCY AND DELIVERY, 2ND EDITION provides the practicing perinatal nurse in obstetric facilities with comprehensive in one accessible text. The text covers the must-knows of care screening for risk factors, providing preventive management, and intervening appropriately when problems arise. Various problems are presented in a consistent format that includes incidence, etiology, physiology, pathophysiology, and medical management with protocols for nurse practitioners. Collaborative problems and desired outcomes are also addressed. The book also discusses the role of the advance practice nurse implementing care. This completely revised edition includes. current AWHONN Standards of Practice and NANDA nursing diagnoses, a new chapter on complementary and alternative therapies, new content on multiple gestation including nutritional needs and preterm management, and new information on domestic violence, thrombophilias and other connective tissue disorders.


UNIT Ⅰ Physiologic Considerations Assessments and Integrative Therapies  1 Physiologic and Nutritional Adaptations to Pregnancy  2 General Nursing Assessment of the High Risk Expectant Family  3 Assessment of Fetal Well-Being  4 Perinatal Screening Diagnoses and Fetal Therapies  5 Integrative Therapies in Pregnancy and ChildbirthUNIT Ⅱ Psychologic Implications of a High Risk Pregnancy  6 Psychologic Adaptations  7 Pregnancy Loss and Perinatal GriefUNIT Ⅲ Ethical Dilemmas and Legal Considerations in Perinatal Nursing  8 Ethical Decision Making  9 Legal Issues and Risk ManagementUNIT Ⅳ Health Disorders Complicating Pregnancy  10 Diabetes  11  Cardiac Disease  12 Renal Disease  13 Thrombophilias and Connective Tissue Disorders  14 Pulmonary Disease and Respiratory DistressUNIT Ⅴ Complications in Pregnancy  15 Spontaneous Abortion  16 Ectopic Pregnancy  17 Gestational Trophoblastic Disease  18 Placental Abnormalities  19 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy  20 Hemolytic Incompatibility  21 Hypertensive Disorders  22 Preterm Labor and Multiple Gestation  23 Premature Rupture of Membranes  24 TraumaUNIT Ⅵ Teratogens and Social Issues Complicating Pregnancy  25 Sexually and Nonsexually Transmitted Genitourinary Infections  26 Substance AbuseUNIT Ⅶ Alterations in the Mechanism of Labor  27 Labor Stimulation  28 Dysfunctional Labor  29 Prolonged Pregnancy



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