
出版時間:2003-12  出版社:北京科文圖書業(yè)信息技術(shù)有限公司  作者:Mark Henry 著  頁數(shù):987  


  Thoroughly revised and updated, the third edition of EMT Prehospital Care, 3rd Edition provides a visually-rich, easy-to-read way to learn the EMT-Basic curriculum. Remaining true to previous editions, this new edition follows the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) National Standard Curriculum for EMT-Basic. In addition to covering the essential points of the curriculum, EMT Prehospital Care 3e also goes beyond the curriculum in depth and breadth of content in all chapters, making this book an excellent choice for on-the-job reference. Instructor resources are available; please contact your Elsevier sales representative for details.


Chapter 1  Introduction to Emergency Medical CareChapter 2  Well-Being of the EMT-BasicChapter 3  Medicolegal and Ethical LssuesChapter 4  The Human BodyChapter 5  Baseline Vital Sings and SMPLE HistoryChapter 6  AirwayChapter 8  Scene Size-up Chapter 9  Initial AssessmentChapter 10  Focused History and Physical Examination versus Rapid Trauma AssessmentChapter 11  Focused History and Physical Examination of Medical PatientsChapter 12  Detailed Physical ExaminationChapter 13  Ongoing AssessmentChapter 14  CommunicationsChapter 15  DocumentationChapter 16  General PharmacologyChapter 17  Respiratory EmergenciesChapter 18  Cardiovascular EmergenciesChapter 19  Altered Mental StatusChapter 20  Allergies……Appendix A  Infection Control Guidelines for Prehospital CareAppendix B  Cardiopulmonary ResuscitationAppendix C  Maintenance of Intravenous LinesAppendix D  Domestic Violence and Elderly AbuseAppendix E  National Registry Skill SheetsGlossaryCreaitsIndex



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