
出版時間:2002-6  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Sanders, Roger C. (EDT)  頁數(shù):400  


This 2nd Edition presents a comprehensive, integrated approach to the detection and treatment of 100 of the most common fetal anomalies, including anomalies of the limbs, heart, central nervous, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal systems, as well as alphafeta-protein, multisystem, and chromosomal abnormalities. The cardiac section has been completely revised, with discussions of 10 new entities and useful, well-illustrated tips on performing fetal echocardiography. Sixteen new entities associated with other parts of the body have also been added. All chapters in this edition are extensively revised to present the latest information.    The cardiac section has been completely revised, with discussions of 10 new entities 16 new entities associated with other parts of the body have also been added   Useful, well-illustrated tips on performing fetal echocardiography have been incorporated   The appendices are reorganized to make them more accessible and easier to use   All cardiac illustrations and new entity figures are new, and many of the images in other areas have been replaced with improved, high-quality images


Color figures follow page1  Chromosomes 1.1   Triploidy  1.2   Trisomy 13  1.3   Trisomy 18  1.4   Trisomy 21 DOWN SYNDROME  1.5   Turner Syndrome2  Central Nervous System  2.1   Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum (ACC)  2.2   Anencephaly  2.3   Aqueductal Stenosis  2.4   Arachnoid Cyst  2.5   Caudal Aplasia/Dysplasia (REGRESSION)  2.6   Cranial Tumors Other Than Intracranial Teratoma  2.7   Craniosynostosis  2.8   Dandy-Walker Malformations  2.9   Diastematomyelia  2.10  Encephalocele  2.11  Holoprosencephaly  2.12  Hydranencephaly  2.13  Iniencephaly  2.14  Intracranial Hemorrhage   2.15  Intracranial Teratoma  2.16  Microcephaly  2.17  Porencephaly and Schizencephaly  2.18  Spinal Dysraphism (MYELOMENINGOCELE, MYELOSCHISIS, MENINGOCELE)  2.19  Vein of Galen Malformation3  Cardiac Entities  3.1   Transposition of the Great Arteries  3.2   Tetralogy of Fallot  3.3   Ebstein's Anomaly  3.4   Tricuspid Valve Atresia  3.5    Critical Valvular Pulmonary Stenosis and Pulmonary Atresia  3.6   Critical Valvular Aortic Stenosis  3.7   Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome  3.8   Aortic Coarctation  3.9   Ventricular Septal Defect  3.10  Atrioventricular Canal Defects (ENDOCARDIAL CUSHION DEFECT)  3.11  Truncus Arteriosus  3.12  Double-Inlet Ventricle  3.13  Double-Outlet Right Ventricle  3.14  Cardiac Arrhythmias: Tachycardia and Extrasystoles  3.15  Cardiac Arrhythmias: Bradycardia (INCLUDING BLOCKED PREMATURE BEATS)  3.16  Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy  3.17  Heterotaxy Syndrome (ASPLENIA AND POLYSPLENIA)  3.18  Ectopia Cordis PENTALOGY OF CANTRELL4  The Genitourinary System  4.1   Adrenal Hematoma  4.2   Exstrophy of the Bladder  4.3   Cloacal Exstrophy  4.4   Hydronephrosis (URETEROPELVIC JUNCTION OBSTRUCTION AND REFLUX)  4.5   Hydrocolpos Hydrometrocolpos  4.6   Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (INFANTILE POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE)  4.7   Mesoblastic Nephroma  4.8   Multicystic (DYSPLASTIC) Kidney  4.9   Neuroblastoma  4.10  Ovarian Cysts  4.11  Posterior Urethral Valves (puv)  4.12  Renal Agenesis  4.13  Sacrococcygeal Teratoma  4.14  Sirenomelia  4.15  Ureterocele5  The Chest  5.1   Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation of the Lung  5.2   Diaphragmatic Hernia  5.3   Esophageal Atresia Tracheal Atresia Tracheoesophageal Fistula  5.4   Pleural Effusion (FETAL HYDROTHORAX)……6  The Gastrointestinal System7  Neck and Face8  Skeletal Abormalities9  Infections10  Drugs11  Syndromes12  Twins13  Miscellaneous Abnormalities14  Abnormal Sonographic FindingsAppendicesIndex



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