交易Le Deal

出版時(shí)間:2008-8  出版社:中國(guó)科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)出版社  作者:J. Byrne Murphy  頁(yè)數(shù):295  


  Le Deal is an adventure story involving raw entrepreneurship, high-level politics, and a young American family in foreign lands. It is the true story of Byrne Murphy, a businessman who abruptly moves to Paris with his wife and baby daughter in a quest to reignite his career and his fortunes. He quickly finds himself up against strange and powerful forces for which he is ill prepared.  Just days after landing in France, Byrne reads that the newly installed prime minister has declared a moratorium on all new retail development, apparently snuffing out Byrne’s proposed new venture---discount fashion malls---before it’s even started. He and his company will engage in a mano a mano struggle with the prime minister (which reaches all the way to France’s Supreme Court); encounter a ruthless political ambush in Germany by the soon-to-be chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder; and face a threatening (“Is this the Mafia?”) would-be partner in Italy. Counterbalanced against these are a series of mostly charming encounters with nearly all members of the British Royal Family, capped off by a tour with Her Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, which nearly ended in a royal embarrassment of epic proportions.


AcknowledgmentsPrologueONE  "Mickey Go 'Ome!"TWO  Washington Goes HollywoodTHREE  LandfallFOUR  Plunging InFIVE  Children and BureaucratsSIX  Friends and RivalsSEVEN  Two Similar Countries Separated by..EIGHT  The MinuetNINE  Pregnancy and PoliticsTEN  Focus on TroyesELEVEN Taking AimTWELVE  Shuttle DiplomacyTHIRTEEN  The Defining MomentFOURTEEN The VoteFIFTEEN Land and ChurchSIXTEEN BoomerangSEVENTEEN Never, Never, Ever Give UpEIGHTEEN The CallNINETEEN Responding in ContextTWENTY Getting UnderwayTWENTY-ONE FamilyTWENTY-TWO Cheshire OpeningTWENTY-THREE Opening in TroyesTWENTY-FOUR The Big PrizeTWENTY-FIVE  Fallingbostel AmbushTWVENTY-SIX SpooksTWENTY-SEVEN Royal WalkaboutsTWENTY-EIGHT A Smoke-Filled RoomTWENTY-NINE Dolce VitaTHIRTY SerravalleTHIRTY-ONE Moving OnThIRTY-TWO Breaking BarriersEpilogue



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