我 卡洛迪安 I Coriandez

出版時間:2007-3  出版社:Penguin USA  作者:Gardner, Sally  頁數(shù):280  


In this exceptionally well-crafted tale, Coriander tells the story of her childhood in seventeenth-century London—and of her discovery that she has inherited magical powers from her mother, who was a fairy princess. But her mother’s sudden death brings on a dark time for Coriander. And after mourning her beloved mother and dealing with the disappearance of her father and the wrath of her evil stepmother, Coriander finds herself locked in a chest with no hope of escape and no will to survive. But when a bright light beckons to her, it is then that Coriander’s journey truly begins. Beautifully written, this magical and luminous story is destined to become a children’s classic.


Part One 1) A Tale to Tell 2) The Stuffed Alligator 3) The Silver Shoes 4) Raven's Wings 5) The Heat Within 6) The Pearl Necklace 7) The ShadowPart Two 8) What Will Be 9) The Power of Bindweed 10) Bad News 11) Farewells 12) The Hand of Wrath 13) MedlarPart Three 14) The Blue Light 15) The Fox Prince 16) Embroidered Eyes 17) The Lost LandPart Four 18) The Terrible Scream  19) Stitches in Time  20) Hester 146 21) The Strange Lady  22) Green Fire Part Five 23) Confessions  24) The Storm 25) A New Suit of Clothes 26) Toothmarks 27) The Invisible RopePart Six 28) The Night of the Fox 29) The Light of Shadows   30) BittersweetPart Seven 31) Homecoming 32) The Sweetest Little Fingers 33) To the King His Own 34) The Perfect Wife 35) A Fool and His PeriwigSame Historlcal Background  Acknwledaments



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用戶評論 (總計1條)


  •   一拿到此書就有一種古老的感覺,同時也很有一種成就感。書雖然小但是很有厚度。我當初買下是因為項訓練一下自己的英文的閱讀能力,所以買了這本屬于CHILDREN'SBOOK的書,想從簡單點的一點一點的慢慢的看過來,訓練過來。雖說是兒童書,但其中不免有許多我不認識的單詞,和看不懂的句型。我就翻翻詞典,查查單詞,這樣就不盡能拓寬單詞面,并且還能跟家很好的去學習英語這門國際化的語言。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
