出版時間:2002-1 出版社:Penguin Books Ltd (2007年9月1日) 作者:Antony Beevor 頁數(shù):489
This book could not possibly have been researched without the help of many people. I am first of all deeply obliged to the directors and staff in numerous archives: Colonel Shuvashin and the staff of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defence (TsAMO) at Podolsk; Dr Natalya Borisovna Volkova and her staff at the Russian State Archive for Litera-ture and the Arts (RGALI); Dr Vladimir Kuzelenkov and Dr Vladimir Korotaev of the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA); Professor Kyrill Mikhailovich Andersen and Dr Oleg Vladimirovich Naumov at the Russian State Archive for Social-Political History (RGASPI); Dr Manfred Kehrig, Director of the Bundesarchiv-Militiirarchiv, Freiburg,and Frau Weibl; Dr Rolf-Dieter Mtiller and Hauptmann Luckszat at the MGFA in Potsdam; Professor Dr Eckhart Henning of the Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft; Dr Wulf-Ekkehard Lucke at the Landesarchiv-Berlin; Frau Irina Renz of the Bibliothek fur Zeit-geschichte in Stuttgart; Dr Lars Ericson and Per Clason at the Krigsarki-vet in Stockholm; John E. Taylor, Wilbert Mahoney and Robin Cookson at National Archives II, College Park, Maryland; Dr Jeffrey Clarke at the United States Army Center of Military History.
Antony Beevor was educated at Winchester and Sandhurst, A regular officer in the 11th Hussars, he served in Germany and England.He has pubished several novels,while his works of non-fiction include The Spanish Civil War,Crete:The Battle and the Resistance
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSMAPSGLOSSARYPREFACEI Berlin in the New Year2 The 'House of Cards' on the Vistula3 Fire and Sword and 'Noble Fury'4 The Great Winter Offensive5 The Charge to the Oder6 East and West7 Clearing the Rear Areas8 Pomerania and the Oder Bridgeheads9 Objective BerlinIO The Kamarilla and the General StaffPreparing the Coup de Grace12 Waiting for the Onslaught13 Americans on the Elbe14 Eve of Battle15 Zhukov on the Reitwein Spur16 Seelow and the Spree17 The Fahrer's Last Birthday18 The Flight of the Golden Pheasants19 The Bombarded City2o False Hopes21 Fighting in the City22 Fighting in the Forest23 The Betrayal of the Will24 Fahrerddmmerung25 Reich Chancellery and Reichstag26 The End of the Battle27 Vae Victis28 The Man on the White HorseREFERENCESSOURCE NOTESSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHYINDEX