出版時間:2008-9 作者:Dan Hamilton 頁數:271
In our current real estate climate, it's more important than ever to have the right words at your fingertips. Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned seller, Perfect Phrases for Real Estate Agents and Brokers has just the right words and phrases you'll need to track down prospective properties and clients, manage transactions, negotiate terms, facilitate communications between buyer and seller, and close the deal. This easy-to-use, quick-reference guide gives you: Hundreds of quick, ready-to-use words and phrases Coverage of every situation you'll face, from meeting a new client to finalizing the sale Winning approaches that persuade prospects and generate sales Expertise from a top realtor educator and author
PrefaceChapter 1.Telephone Dialogues Answering the Telephone Correctly 0bjective of the Broker When Advertising Obiective of the Agent When Answering the Telephone Objective of the Caller When Calling on a ReaI Estate Advertisement Rules for Handling a Buyer CalI Generic Dialogue AdditionaI Questions and Dialogue “Place on Hold”Dialogue “Get the Name”Dialogue “Provide Information”Dialogues “Something Kinda Special”Dialogue I Doing Things the Hard Way”Dialogues “Iternate Choice”Dialogue HWrap—Up’Dialogue “Get a Referral”Dialogues "Lease-to-Buy Conversion" Dialogues "Owner Finance" Dialogues "Meet at Property" Dialogue "1 Am Not Paying" Dialogue "Drive By and Call You" DialoguesChapter 2.Telemarketing for Real Estate Agents and Brokers Telemarketingwaka Cold Calling Generic Telemarketing Dialogues Calling to Do Survey Calling about a Specific Property Calling Specific Person Calling an Out-of-Town Agent Calling a Waif Calling on a Mail-Out Card Calling a For Rent By Owner Calling Someone with Positive Life Changes Calling Someone with Negative Life Changes Calling Someone Who Wants Your Phone Number Calling about a Great Property Calling a Friend Calling Someone in Your Sphere of JnfluenceChapter 3. For Sale By Owner Dialogues The Mentality of the For Sale By Owner Assumptions for Calling For Sale By Owners Generic Dialogue for Calling FSBOs Secondary Dialogues for Calling FSBOs Dialogue for Calling FSBOs--Market Availability Dialogue for Calling FSBOs--Survey More Generic Dialogues for Calling FSBOs Dialogue for Calling FSBOs--Market Evaluation ……Chapter 4. Expired-Listing DialoguesChapter 5. Business Development Door-to-Door DialoguesChapter 6. Dialogues for Working with SellersChapter 7. Dialogues for Working with Buyers DialoguesChapter 8. Closes and Objection-Handling DialogueS
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