出版時間:2007-10-22  出版社:McGraw-Hill Medical  作者:Stephen J. McPhee,Maxine A. Papadakis,Lawrence M. Tierney  頁數(shù):1673  


In this trusted text, you'll find the most current insights into symptoms, signs, epidemiology, etiology, and treatment for over 1,000 diseases and disorders. Turn to any topic, and you'll find on-the-spot answers to your questions for both hospital and ambulatory medicine. This streamlined, authoritative reference gets you up to speed-fast-on the latest medical advances, prevention strategies, cost-effective treatments, and more. No wonder it's the most popular annually updated text in internal medicine!


AuthorsPreface1. Disease Prevention & Health Promotion Prevention of Infectious Diseases Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention of Physical Inactivity Prevention of Overweight & Obesity Cancer Prevention Prevention of Injuries & Violence Substance Abuse: Alcohol & Illicit Drugs2. Common Symptoms Cough Dyspnea Chest Pain Hemoptysis Fever & Hyperthermia Involuntary Weight Loss Fatigue & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Acute Headache Dysuria 3. Preoperative Evaluation & Perioperative Management Evaluation of the Asymptomatic Patient Cardiac Risk Assessment Pulmonary Evaluation in Non-Lung Resection Surgery Evaluation of the Patient with Liver Disease Preoperative Hematologic Evaluation Neurologic Evaluation Management of Endocrine Diseases Renal Disease Antibiotic Prophylaxis of Surgical Site Infections 4. Geriatric Disorders Assessment of Older Adults Management of Common Geriatric Problems    Dementia    Depression    Delirium    Immobility    Falls & Gait Disorders    Urinary Incontinence    Weight Loss & Malnutrition    Pressure Ulcers    Pharmacotherapy & Polypharmacy5, Palliative Care 8 Pain Management   Definition & Scope of Palliative Care   Pain Management   Principles of Pain Management   Pharmacologic Pain Management Strategies   Nonpharmacologic Treatment   Pain at the End of Life    Palliation of Other Common Symptoms   Dyspnea   Nausea & Vomiting   Constipation   Delirium & Agitation    End-of-Life Care6. Dermatologic Disorders    Principles of Dermatologic Therapy    Common Dermatoses   Pigmented Lesions   Scaling Disorders   Vesicular Dermatoses   Weeping or Crusted Lesions   Pustular Disorders   Erythemas   Blistering Diseases   Papules   Violaceous to Purple Papules & Nodules   Pruritus (Itching)   Inflammatory Nodules   Epidermal Inclusion Cysts   Photodermatitis   Ulcers    Miscellaneous Dermatologic Disorders   Pigmentary Disorders   Baldness (Alopecia)   Nail Disorders   Dermatitis Medicamentosa (Drug Eruption)7, Disorders of the Eyes 8 Lids    Refractive Errors    Disorders of the Lids & Lacrimal Apparatus    Conjunctivitis    Pinguecula & Pterygium    Corneal Ulcer    Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma    Chronic Glaucoma    Uveitis    Cataract    Retinal Detachment    Vitreous Hemorrhage      Age-Related Macular Degeneration    Central & Branch Retina] Vein Occlusions    Central & Branch Retinal Artery Occlusions……





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