出版時間:2006-3 出版社:McGraw-Hill 作者:Josephson, Scott Andrew (EDT)/ English, Joey D. (EDT)/ Engstrom, John W. (EDT)/ Jameson, J. L./ Kasper, Dennis/ Harrison, Tinsley Randolph (EDT)/ Haus 頁數(shù):691
Featuring the contents of the Neurology section of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th Edition -enhanced with important updates, new and annotated references, new illustrations, and self-assessment/exam review Questions and Answers-this next-generation resource is perfect for the backpack, the wards, and in all clinical situations. Also great for students! Offering ease of use?the expertise of renowned editors and contributors?an expanded collection of great illustrations and clinical photographs?Harrison's famed coverage of disease mechanisms?invaluable guidelines for ensuring diagnostic accuracy?and state-of-the-art treatment strategies-Harrison's Neurology is a true essential. State-of-the-art coverage of diseases and disorders of the nervous systemMore than 100 full-color drawings and clinical and laboratory images Expert and easy-to-use algorithms for making accurate clinical decisions at the point of care Complete coverage of neurological disease and perhpheral neuropathy Authoritative clinical information on seizures and epilepsy Practical coverage of such conditions as Guillain-Barre syndrome, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, ataxic disorders, concussion, and more Multiple-choice Q&As for self-assessment and exam preparation and review
ContributorsPrefaceSECTION I INTRODUCTION TO NEUROLOGY 1 Introduction:Pathogenesis of Neurologic Diseases 2 Approach to the Patient with Neurologic Disease 3 Neuroimaging in Neurologic Disorders William P. DillonSECTION II CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF NEUROLOGIC DISEASE 4 Pain: Pathophysiology and Management 5 Headache 6 Back and Neck Pain 7 Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Higher Cerebral Disorders 8 Acute Confusional States and Coma Allan H. Ropper 9 Dizziness, Syncope, andVertigo 10 Imbalance and Disorders of Gait 11 Visual Disturbances 12 Disorders of Smell,Taste, and Hearing l3 Sleep DisordersSECTION Ill DISEASES OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 14 Seizures and Epilepsy 15 Critical Care Neurology 16 Concussion and Other Head Injuries 17 Cerebrovascular Diseases 18 Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias 19 Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders 20 Ataxic Disorders 21 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Diseases 22 Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System 23 Trigeminal Neuralgia, Bell's Palsy, and Other Cranial Disorders 24 Diseases of the Spinal Cord 25 Primary and Metastatic Tumors of the Nervous System 26 Neurologic Disorders of the Pituitary andHypothalamus 27 Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes 28 Multiple Sclerosis and Other Demyelinating Diseases ……SECTION IV DISEASES OF NERVE AND MUSCLESECTION V CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROMESECTION VI PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERSSECTION VII ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG DEPENDENCEAppedixreview and self-AssessmentIndex