出版時間:2005-3  出版社:McGraw-Hill  作者:Lim, Paul  頁數(shù):368  


The first Demystified guide to take the mystery out of investing, Investing Demystified provides independent investors with hands-on explanations of basic investing topics without needless detours. Built around the no-nonsense model that has made Demystified one of McGraw-Hill's most popular series, this helpful and practical self-teaching guide cuts right to the chase and gives straightforward direction to anyone tired of being confused by Wall Street jargon and the investing arena.作者簡介:Paul Lim is senior writer for U.S. News & World Report. A former staff writer for Money and persona[ finance columnist for the Los Angeles Times, Lim is the author of Money Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make. He has been frequentty quoted in the media, inctud-ing the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Week.


PrefacePART 1:  GETTING READY  CHAPTER 1  Why We Invest CHAPTER 2  Before You Get Started CHAPTER 3  Demystifying the Language of Investing CHAPTER 4  What Kind of Investor Are You?PART 2:  YOUR ASSETS CHAPTER 5  Demystifying Stocks CHAPTER 6  Demystifying Bonds CHAPTER 7  Demystifying Cash CHAPTER 8  Demystifying Mutuat Funds I CHAPTER g  DemysUfying Funds II CHAPTER 10  Demystifying Other AssetsPART 3:  SELECTING YOUR ASSETS CHAPTER 11  Demystifying Stock Selection CHAPTER 12  Demystifying Bond Setection CHAPTER 13  Demystifying Mutuat Fund SetectionPART  4:  ORGANIZING YOUR ASSETS CHAPTER 14  Demystifying Asset Allocation CHAPTER 15  Demystifying Asset LocationFinal ExamGtossaryAnswer KeyIndex




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