出版時間:2005-3 出版社:McGraw-Hill 作者:Schwinghammer 頁數(shù):445
This essential companion to DiPiro, Talbert, Matzke, Yee, Wells and Posey: Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 6/e features 5 introductory chapters and 148 case studies, which foster problem analysis and decision-making skills in clinical pharmacy practice. Cases, organized by organ system, correspond directly to Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach and range from simple (a single disease state) to complex (multiple disease states and drug-related problems). Most cases have been substantially altered in this edition and new disorders an an appendix have been added.
Terry L. Schwinghammer, PharmD, FCCP, FASHP, BCPS is Professor in the Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. He is a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist and practices as a clinical specialist in ambulatory care at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
PrefaceAcknouledgmenlsSECTION1 Principles of Patient-Ficysed TgeraotSECTION2 Cardiovascular DisordersSECTION3 Respiratory DisordersSECTION4 Gasstrointestinal DisordersSECTION5 Renal DisordersSECTION6 Neurologic DisordersSECTION7 Psychiatric DisordersSECTION8 Endocrinologic DisordersSECTION9 Gynecologic DisordersSECTION10 Urologic DisordersSECTION11 Immunologic DisordersSECTION12 Bone and Joint DisordersSECTION13 Disorders of the Eyes Ears Nose and ThroatSECTION14 Dematologic DisordersSECTION15 Hematologic DisordersSECTION16 Infectious DiseasesSECTION17 OncologersSECTION18 Nutriton and Nutritonal DisordersSECTION19 Emergency Preparedness and ResponseSECTION20 Complementary and Altemative TherapiesAppenclixA Conversion Factors and AnthropometricsAppenclixB Common Laboratory TestsAppenclixC Medical Abbreviations AppenclixD Samples Respornses to Case Questions