出版時間:2004-3 出版社:McGraw-Hill Professional 作者:Dutton 頁數(shù):1459
COVERS ALL ORTHOPAEDIC REHABILITATION NEEDS IN ONE BOOK This textbook offers a breadth and quality of coverage not previously available to therapists。 Orthopaedic Examination,Evaluation,and Intervention provides students and practitioners with a valuable resource。 A Unique Combination of Assets *Examination,evaluation,and intervention in one book *Differential diagnosis,an in-depth chapter essential for evaluating direct-access patients *Evidence-based focus — examination techniques and interventions clearly supported by published clinical studies *Integration of APTA Guide to Physical Therapist Practice *Variety of treatment strategies reflecting the leading philosophies and the latest research *In-depth coverage of therapeutic exercise, manual techniques, and functional training *Intervention implications of the various stages of healing, plus postsurgical rehabilitation *Concepts and assessment of function—full chapter *Anatomy and assessment of CNS and peripheral nerves—full chapter *Chapter on gait assessment *Analysis and integration of upper and lower kinetic chains and their relationship to impairment *Coverage of anatomy, biomechanics,and objective and subjective examination of the spine, pelvis,and each joint of the extremities This comprehensive,well-illustrated text offers you all the information necessary to provide a high level of care to patients。Both students and clinicians of any level can use this book as a resource for an accurate biomechanical assessment and specific treatment plan design。Case studies and review questions are included。
prefaceAcknowledgments IntroductionSECTION I FUNDAMENTALS 0F 0RTHOPAEDICS 1.The MusculosIceletaf Tissue System 2.The Nervous System 3.The Biomechanics of Movement 4. The Response of Biological Tissue to Stress 5.The Healing Process 6.Managing Impaired Muscle Performance 7.The Concept of Function 8.The Examination and Evaluation 9.Differential Diaqnosis 10.Intervention Principles 11.Manuaf Techniques 12.Neurodynamic Mobilization5 13.Gait AnalgsisSECTION II A PERIPHERAL JOINTS:THE UPPER EXTREMITIES 14.The Shoulder Complex 15.The Elbow Complex 16.The Forearm,Wrist,and HandSECTION II B PERIPHERAL JOINTS:THE LOWER EXTREMITlES 17.The Hip Joint 18.The Knee Joint Complex 19.TheAnkle and FootSECTION INTRODUCTION TO THE SPINE AND PELVIS 20.The Intervertebral Disk 21.Vertebral Artery 22.The Craniovertebral Junction 23.The Temporomandibular Joint 24.The Temporomandibular Joint 25.The Lumbar Spine 26.The Thoracic Spine and Rib Cage 27.The Sacroiliac JointSECTION POTSURGICAL REHABILITATION 28.Postsurgical Rehabilitation of the Upper Extremity 29.Postsurgical Rehabilitation of the Lower ExtremitySolutions for Review QuestionsIndex