出版時間:2003-10 出版社:McGraw-Hill Professional 作者:HANLEY 頁數(shù):481
The best quick reference for diagnosing and managing patients with pulmonary disorders. Authored by clinicians from the leading academic pulmonary program, this text covers essentials of the pulmonary history, the physical exam as well as key tests and procedures needed to evaluate patients. Features diagnostic and treatment algorithms and “essentials of diagnosis” lists for every major disorder.
AuthorsPreFaceSECTION 1. EVALUATION OF THE PATIENT WITH PULMONARY DISEASE Chapter 1. Pulmonary Anatomy & Physiology Anatomy of the Respiratory System Mechanical Properties of the Respiratory System Vascular Systems Gas Transport Defense of the Lungs Metabolic Functions of the Lungs Chapter 2. The History & Physical Examination in Pulmonary Medicine General Considerations Medical History Pulmonary Physical Examination Chapter 3. Diagnostic Imaging General Considerations Normal Chest Radiograph Anatomy Imaging Modalities for the Chest Pathological Processes Involving the Chest Chapter 4. Laboratory Evaluation Pulmonary Function Testing Interpretation of Acid-Base Status Genetic Evaluation in Lung Disease Chapter 5. Procedures in Pulmonary Medicine General Considerations Pleural Procedures Bronchoscopy Parenchyinal Lung Biopsy Pulmonary Artery CatheterizationSECTION 2. DISEASES OF THE AIRWAYS Chapter 6. Asthma General Considerations Pathogenesis Clinical Manifestations Differential Diagnosis Treatment Special Considerations Chapter 7. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Definition Historical Perspective Pathogenesis Epidemiology Assessments Staging The National Lung Health Education Program Course & Prognosis Treatment Case-Based Approaches to Management SummarySECTION 3. INTERSTITIAL LUNG DISEASESECTION 4. DISEASES OF THE ALVEOLAR SPACRSECTION 5. DISEASES OF THE PULMONARY VASCULATURESECTION 6. DISEASES OF THE PLEURASECTION 7. DISEASES OF THE MEDIASTINUMSECTION 8. DISORDERS OF VENTILATORY CONTROLSECTION 9. OCCUPATIONAL & ENVIRONMENTAL LUNG DISEASESSECTION 10. INFECTIOUS LUNG DISEASESECTION 11. NEOPLASTIC LUNG DISEASESIndex