vander腎臟生理學(xué) Vander's Renal Physiology

出版時間:2002-2  出版社:McGraw-Hill Medical  作者:Douglas Eaton  頁數(shù):214  


This concise overview of renal physiology introduces basic science principles and their relevance in the clinical expression of disease. Each chapter incorporates a wealth of pedagogical aids including: study questions, learning objectives, and clinical examples. Also serves as a good review for the USMLE Step 1.   作者簡介:  Douglas C. Eaton, Ph.D.: Distinguished Professor, Department of Physiology; and Director, Center for Cell and Molecular Signaling, Emory University Medical School, Atlanta John Pooler, Ph.D.: Associate Professor of Physiology, Department of Physiology, Emory University Medical School, Atlanta .


PrefaceChapter 1 Renal Functions,Snatomy,and Basic Processes Functions Anatomy of the Kidneys and Urinary System The Nephron Blood Supply to the Nephrons Basic Renal ProcessesChapter 2 Renal Blood Flow and Glomerular Filtration Glomerular Filtration and Renal Blood Flow Flow, Resistance, and Pressure in The Kidneys Glomerular Filtration AutoregulationChapter 3 Clearance Clearance Units Plasma Creatinine and Urea Concentrations as Indicators of GFR ChangesChapter 4 Basic Transport Mechanisms Crossing the Epithelial Barriers Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis and Transcytosis Transport Mechanisms in ReabsorptionChapter 5 Renal Handling of Organic Substances Active Proximal Reabsorption of Organic Nutrients (Eg, Glucose, Amino Acids) Proteins and Peptides Active Proximal Secretion of Organic Anions Active Proximal Secretion of Organic Cations pH Dependence of Passive Reabsorption or Secretion UreaChapter 6 Basic Renal Processes for Sodiun,Chloride,and Water Overview Individual Tubular Segments Urinary Concentration: The Medullary Osmotic GradientChapter 7 Control of Sodium and Water Excretion:Regulation of Plasma Volume and Plasma Osmolality and Renal Control of Systemic Blood Pressure Regulation of Blood Pressure Contribution of The Kidney to The Long-Term Regulation of Blood Pressure  Control of Sodium Balance Control of Water ExcretionChapter 8 Renal Regulation of Potassium Balance Regulation of Potassium Between the Intracellular and Extracellular Compartments Renal Potassium HandlingChapter 9 Regulation of Hydrogen Ion balance Guidelines for Studying Acid-Base Biology Renal Handling of Acids and Bases Renal Excretion of Acid and Base Hydrogen Ion Excretion on Urinary Buffers Phosphate and Organic Acids as Buffers Hydrogen Ion Excretion on Ammonium Quantification of Renal Acid-Base Excretion Regulation of the Renal Handling of Acids and Bases Control of Renal Glutamine Metabolism and NH4 Excretion Intravenous Solutions: Lactated Ringer's Specific Categories of Acid-Base Disorders Renal Response to Metabolic Acidosis and Alkalosis Factors Causing the Kidneys to Generate or Maintain A Metabolic AlkalosisChapter 10 Regulation of Calcium and phosphate Balance Effector Sites for Calcium Balance Hormonal Control of Effector Sites Overview of Renal Phosphate HandlingAnswers to Study Questions Appendix AAppendix BIndex



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