內(nèi)科用藥指南 Internal Medicine on Call

出版時間:2002-12  出版社:北京科文圖書業(yè)信息技術有限公司  作者:本社 編  頁數(shù):697  


Associate EditorsContributorsPrefaceⅠ. On-Call Problems 1. Abdominal Pain 2. Acidosis 3. AIkalosis 4. Anaphylactic Reaction 5. Anemia 6. Arterial Line Problems 7. Aspiration 8. Bradycardia 9. Cardiopulmonary Arrest 10. Central Venous Line Problems 11. Chest Pain 12. Coagulopathy 13. Coma, Acute Mental Status Changes. 14. Constipation 15. Cough 16. Delirium Tremens (DTs): Major Alcohol Withdrawal 17. Diarrhea 18. Dizziness 19. Dyspnea 20. Dysuria 21. Falls 22. Fever 23. Fever in the HIV-Positive Patient 24. Foley Catheter Problems 25. Headache 26. Heart Murmur 27. Hematemesis, Melena 28. Hematochezia 29. Hematuria 30. Hemoptysis 31. Hypercalcemia 32. Hyperglycemia 33. Hyperkalemia 34. Hypernatremia 35. Hypertension 36. Hypocalcemia 37. Hypoglycemia 38. Hypokalemia 39. Hypomagnesemia 40. Hyponatremia 41. Hypophosphatemia 42. Hypotension (Shock) 43. Hypothermia 44. Insomnia 45. Irregular Pulse 46. Jaundice 47. Joint Swelling 48. Leukocytosis 49. Leukopenia 50. Nausea &Vomiting 51. Oliguria/Anuria 52. Overdoses 53. Pacemaker Troubleshooting 54. Pain Management 55. Polycythemia 56. Pruritus 57. Pulmonary Artery Catheter Problems 58. Seizures 59. Syncope 60. Tachycardia 61. Thrombocytopenia 62. Transfusion Reaction 63. WheezingⅡ. Laboratory DiagnosisⅢ. Procedures 1. Arterial Line Placement 2. Arterial Puncture 3. Arthrocentesis (Diagnostic & Therapeutic) 4. Bladder Catheterization 5. Bone Marrow Aspiration & Biopsy 6. Central Venous Catheterization 7. Endotracheal Intubation 8. Gastrointestinal Tubes 9. Intravenous Techniques 10. Lumbar PunctureⅣ.Fluids&ElectrolytesⅤ.Blood Component TherapyⅥ.Ventilator ManagmentAppendixIndexCommonly Used ResuscitationDrugs and Techniques



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