出版時間:2007-9 出版社:7-09999 作者:Skildum-Reid, Kim 頁數(shù):145
The Sponsorship Report, November 2006 This step-by-step instruction manual for prospective ambushers may be a big-event sponsor's best friend... It's a fun read, instructive and entertaining, bound by its deliberately non-judgemental style to offend more than a few. Review Marketing Magazine : “The Ambush Marketing Toolkit will either help you plan your attack, or defend against one.” The Sponsorship Report : “This step-by-step instruction manual for prospective ambushers may be a big sponsor's best friend. . . . It's a fun read, instructive and entertaining, bound by its deliberately non-judgemental style to offend more than a few.”
Kim Skildum-Reid,Ambush is a complex and controversial strategy.Making one really deliver is not easy, and neither is defending against one. Kim Skildum-Reid leaves ethics aside and sticks to strategy as she shows you how to choose and mount an ambush th
ForewordAcknowledgmentsAbout the authorAbout this bookPart 1—Ambush basics Sponsorship basics What is ambush? A word about awareness pollsPart 2—The case Controversy, from two sides The case against ambush The case for ambushPart 3—Howto ambush Why you need to know how to ambush What makes an ambush work? The world's best ambush Internal preparation Ambush interview worksheet Sell-in (concept) Selection Ambush fit assessment Sell-in (reality) Management Ambush timeline worksheet Leverage Leverage brainstorm list Managing perceptionsPart 4—Preventing ambush Wishful thinking Know how to ambush What to worry about and what not to The event's part of the dea Selection Negotiation and contracts Leverage Vulnerability assessment checklist Measure the right thingsPart 5—What the lawyer saysPart 6—The dreamPart 7—Appendixes Tools and templates included with this book Ambush workshop agendas Recommended resources