
出版時間:1994-01-01  出版社:音像供貨  作者:Richard Saul Wurman  頁數(shù):221  


The restaurant ratings take into account the quality, service, atmosphere, and uniqueness of the restaurant. An expensive restaurant doesn't necessarily ensure an enjoyable evening; however, a small, relatively unknown spot could have good food, professional service, and a lovely atmosphere. Therefore, on a purely subjective basis, stars are used to judge the overall dining value.   Keep in mind that chefs and owners often change, which sometimes drastically affects the quality of a restaurant. The ratings in this guidebook are based on information available at press time. Hotels and restaurants are rated by price as well. These dollar signs reflect general price-range relationships between other restaurants and hotels in the area.


OrientationCapitol Hill/Northeast/SoutheastThe Mall/SouthwestFoggy Bottom/West EndDowntown DCLogan Circle/Howard UniversityDupont Circle/Adams-MorganGeorgetown/Upper NorthwestSuburban MarylandBaltimoreChesapeake BayAnnapolisAlexandriaArlingtonNorthern VirginiaBlue Ridge/Hunt CountryCharlottesvilleFredericksburgIndex



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