Management Cases 管理

出版時間:2008-10  出版社:音像供貨  作者:彼得·德魯克  頁數:241  


The companion to Drucker's seminal work Management, completely revised and updated   Management Cases, Revised Edition is a collection of thought-provoking case studies—each a timeless representative of a challenge that all managers will face at some point in their careers. Longtime Drucker colleague, collaborator, and eminent management professor Joseph A. Maciariello has organized the material to be used in conjunction with Management, Revised Edition, making the book particularly useful in undergraduate, MBA, and executive education classrooms.   It contains fifteen completely new cases written especially for this edition plus another thirty-five revised and updated cases, ensuring that the book provides comprehensive coverage of the most important management dilemmas and most timeless leadership wisdom. An essential resource for business students and working professionals alike, the book will help readers test and hone their management skills.


PrefaceForeword by Warren G. BennisPart I Management's New Realities Case Number 1 Yuhan-Kimberly's New Paradigm: Respect for Human DignityPart II Business Performance Case Number 2 What Is OUR Business? Case Number 3 What Is a Growth Company? Case Number 4 Success in the Small Multinational Case Number S Health Care as a Business Part III Performance in Service Institutions Case Number6 The University Art Museum: Defining Purpose and Mission Case Number 7 Rural Development Institute: Should It Tackle the Problem of the Landless Poor in India? ……Part IV Productive Work and Achieving WorkerPart V Social Impacts and Social ResponsibilitiesPart VI The Manager's Work and JobsPartVll ManageriaISkillsPartVlll Innovation and EntrepreneurshipPart IX Managerial OrganizationPart X New Demands on the Individual




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  •   紀念自己購買的第一本國外原版進口書,19美元,136元,~國外英文原版書真expensive,我原來以為買回來的書有一本新華字典那么大,誰知道一回來,一百多塊錢的東西,只有一本初中語文課本大?。。。∫菜闶俏覍W習工商管理專業(yè)的一本“課外讀物吧”。以后到國外要多買點,thetruthisnobodycanreplacePeterDrucker.Hewasoneofakind.希望這本書讓我獲益匪淺~!這本書是作者是:彼得·德魯克,現代管理之父,“大師中的大師”。百度知道連接——《哈佛商業(yè)評論》“這位高瞻遠矚的思想家具有招牌式的敏銳洞察力,他能夠洞悉不同力量之間存在的內在聯系,他又一次給我們帶來一部不可不讀的著作。”thetruthisnobodycanreplacePeterDrucker.Hewasoneofakind.

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網 手機版
