出版時間:2005-12 出版社:音像供貨 作者:Markert, Tom 頁數(shù):144
If you have ever thought otherwise, then you're dead wrong. And you're career is over, too. In this lively guide to surviving the pitfalls of the modern corporate environment, Tom Markert, a senior executive at information giant ACNielsen, presents 56 practical rules that every employee, manager, and executive must follow in order to find corporate success. With rules such as "Work hard and smart" and "Find a good boss" Markert addresses some of the most important questions facing corporate executives today. Here, in colorful and inspiring language, he offers practical advice on how to impress and make your boss look good, how to position yourself for success, and how to address work and social situations that every employee must conquer. And, most important, Markert covers the number one question in any employee's mind: How do I work with my boss? Here, this book becomes an indispensable guide to corporate life. Markert draws on his experience to illustrate these rules with telling, and often funny, anecdotes about people who have not followed the rules and paid the ultimate corporate price -- failure, embarrassment, and a career stopped dead in its tracks. 作者簡介: T0M MARKERT is currently global chief marketing and client service officer with ACNielsen in New York. He has held leadership positions at Citicorp and Procter & Gamble and has held positions on the board of directors of the Aus-tralian professional basketball team the Sydney Kings and the American Chamber of Commerce in New South Wales, Australia. He lives in Connecticut.
IntroductionRULE 1 Work Hard and SmartRULE 2 No One Is Entitled to Anything!RULE 3 Be MotivatedRULE 4 Put in the HoursRULE 5 Do Whatever It TakesRULE 6 Be CharmingRULE 7 Find Good BossesRULE 8 Respect Your BossRULE 9 You Can't Win a Fight with Your BossRULE 10 Know Your BossRULE 11 Stay on the Right Side of the Boss's SpouseRULE 12 Look the PartRULE 13 Smile, It's InfectiousRULE 14 Stay HealthyRULE 15 Become an ExpertRULE 16 Read BooksRULE 17 Get an MBARULE 18 Write WellRULE 19 Know Your NumbersRULE 20 Find a MentorRULE 21 Start and End Meetings on TimeRULE 22 Answer Your Own PhoneRULE 23 Don't Pad Your Expense ReportsRULE 24 Prepare for Plane TripsRULE 25 You Are on Your Own, Baby!RULE 26 Take the Best JobRULE 27 Choose Your Employer CarefullyRULE 28 Ask for a Performance ReviewRULE 29 Do It by the BookRULE 30 Embrace ChangeRULE 31 Resign the Right WayRULE 32 One Kick at the CanRULE 33 Befriend Your Legal CounselRULE 34 Prepare for Your Big PresentationRULE 35 Surround Yourself with TalentRULE 36 Listen for What You Don't HearRULE 37 Coach Your TeamRULE 38 Take Care of Your Best People……EpilogueAcknowledgments