
出版時間:2005-10  出版社:Harpercollins  作者:Alan Jacobs  頁數(shù):342  


Just in time for the major motion picture Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, from Disney, comes this biography of the man who dreamed up the land and tales of Narnia. Jacobs, a Wheaton College literature professor, does so not in typical chronological style, but according to themes important in Lewis's life. So, in the chapter entitled "red beef and strong beer" (a Lewis quote about what was satisfying and nourishing to him), we encounter the strong male mentors from his young adult years. Jacobs is obviously taken with early 20th-century English literature and history, and it shows in his writing, which is accessible and unobtrusively documented. However, the thematic organization could leave some readers a tad confused as he skips back and forth in time. Also, to fully appreciate this book, one needs to have read not just the Narnia series but Lewis's writings on Christian apologetics, as Jacobs is intent on making connections between the two genres. Amidst a sea of entry-level Lewis portraits being published this fall, this more substantive book is for hard-core Lewis lovers eager to soak up historical minutiae and savor salient Lewis quotes for years to come.   Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Preface and AcknowledgmentsIntroductionONE "Happy, but for so happy ill secured..."  Two "Coarse, brainless English schoolboys"  THREE "Red beef and strong beer"  FOUR "I never sank so low as to pray"  FIVE "A real home somewhere else"  Six "I gave in"  SEVEN "Definitely believing in Christ"  EIGHT "Do you think I am trying to weave a spell?"  NINE "What I owe to them all is incalculable"  TEN "Nobody could put Lewis down"  ELEVEN "We soon learn to love what we know we must lose"  TWELVE "Joy is the serious business of heaven"AFTERWORD The Future of NarniaNotesAbbreviationsIndex



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