
出版社:HarperFestival  作者:Mark Twain  頁數(shù):337  


When Huckleberry Finn runs away from his abusive father, he decides to lay low for a few days on what he thinks is a deserted island. What Huck doesn't realize is that he has chosen the same hideout as his friend Jim, a slave who is trying to escape to freedom. Huck's real adventures begin once he and Jim set off down the Mississippi together on a makeshift raft. Join Huck and Jim as they encounter a wrecked sgeamship full of thieves, a fake duke and king, and two fanmilies locked in an epic feud!


1 Civilizing Huck - Miss Watson - Tom Sawyer Waits2  The Boys Escape Jim - Tom Sawyer's Gang -Deep-laid Plans3  A Good Going-over - Grace Triumphant -"One of Tom Sawyer's Lies"4  Huck and the Judge - Superstition5  Huck's Father - The Fond Parent - Reform6  He Went for Judge Thatcher -Huck Decides to Leave -Political Economy - Thrashing Around7  Laying for Him - Locked in the Cabin -Sinking the Body - Resting8  Sleeping in the Woods - Raising the Dead -Exploring the Island - Finding Jim -Jim's Escape - Signs - "Balum"9  The Cave - The Floating House10  The Find - Old Hank Bunker - In Disguise11  Huck and the Woman - The Search - Prevarication -Going to Goshen12 Slow Navigation - Borrowing Things -Boarding the Wreck - The Plotters -Hunting for the Boat13  Escaping from the Wreck - The Watchman -Sinking14  A General Good Time - The Harem - French15  Huck Loses the Raft - In the Fog -Huck Finds the Raft - Trash16  Expectations - A White Lie - Floating Currency -Running by Cairo - Swimming Ashore17  An Evening Call - The Farm in Arkansaw -Interior Decorations - Stephen Dowling Bots -Poetical Effusions18  Col. Grangerford - Aristocracy - Feuds -The Testament - Recovering the Raft -The Wood-pile - Pork and Cabbage"19  Tying up Day-times - An Astronomical Theory -Running a Temperance Revival -The Duke of Bridgewater - The Troubles of Royalty20  Huck Explains - Laying Out a Campaign -Working the Camp-meeting -A Pirate at the Camp-meeting -The Duke as a Printer21  Sword Exercise - Hamlet's Soliloquy -They Loafed Around Town - A Lazy Town -Old Boggs - Dead22  Sherburn - Attending the Circus -Intoxication in the Ring -The Thrilling Tragedy23  "Sold!" - Royal Comparisons - Jim Gets Home-sick24  Jim in Royal Robes - They Take a Passenger -Getting Information - Family Grief25  "Is it Them?' - Singing the "Doxologer" -Awful Square - Funeral Orgies - A Bad Investment……




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