The Amazing Adventures of Batbird蝙蝠神奇的歷險故事

出版時間:2005-9  作者:Clarke, Jane  


Dunkan Dabble won't answer to his name as he believes he's Batbird, a superhero that he and his friends watch on TV. Dunkan's family and friends find him very difficult to live with as Batbird. He plays too roughly and insists on sleeping upside down. But Dunkan becomes a hero overnight by unwttingly saving his family from a prowling fox.  / Lime/Band 11 books have longer sentence structures and a greater use of literary language.  / Text type - A humorous fantasy story.  / A timeline on pages 30 and 31 summarises the story in nine sequential steps providing an ideal cue for further discussion.  / Curriculum links - Citizenship: Choices, Taking part.



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